Dear Parent,

This is a tough time.  I understand. I’ve been there, too.

This company exists because I know first-hand how overwhelming it can feel right now to figure out next steps and what to do to help your teen thrive.  I know how hard it is to support them as they struggle to fulfill their life’s potential again.

I know.  My family was our first client.

I’m Nina Horne, Founder and CEO of Samara.  Now I’m here to help you learn to heal your family.

I, too, watched and worried as our daughter experienced multiple traumatic events and challenges that brought her deep suffering.  I read and talked endlessly, and began to seek help. 

But when clinicians suggested we needed more help than I was getting, I had a difficult time hearing.  We spent a year heading towards crisis before it actually occurred. Only later was I able to see, in the clarity of wellness and peace and hard-won expertise, that we had other options that could have helped earlier. 

We were fortunate; the delay in treatment had lasting effects, but they weren’t insurmountable or permanent. 


We acted in time. 

In conquering our family’s struggles, I used the same skills I honed working as a business strategist and public policy expert for corporations and organizations like the United Nations and the White House. I worked with leading experts to understand the science of what works, and then developed tools and systems for our family that created structured and clear decision points, effective skill development tools, and daily reinforcements as a support for the work we were each doing in the therapist’s office. 

We created a nest of wellness 24 hours a day for our daughter and for us to heal in. 

It worked. Our methods create real change.

Along the way, my daughter’s therapists began asking me to talk with some of their clients.  They asked me to share the choices I’d made and the tools I created to make the healing process easier and more effective for my own family. 

This company exists because of those initial conversations I had with other struggling families.  I saw my experience provided other families with clarity, hope, and action to reduce the suffering in their own life, and in their teen’s life. 

Today, our daughter is thriving at her first choice for college, studying what she dreamed of years ago.  Her educational consultant calls her the “one in a million” kid. She did the hard work to heal, and with the learning structure I created for our family, came home to thrive and live the life she hoped for.  Every day is a joy and a gift.


I want to offer the same hope of wellness and launching for your family, too.
Your teen can be one in a million, too. Join us.

With love and compassion,
