Learning to launch is a big deal, and getting harder all the time.

Pressures to succeed, rising rates of depression and anxiety, unprecedented competition for admission to college — all of these factors make navigating the path to launching from teen into young adult a pretty tough road.

When the teen years get too difficult to handle alone, we help you find your way back to wholeness.

We work with teens ages 12-17 and their families, plus young adults ages 18-24, who are struggling to manage daily life.

Our clients are enrolled in traditional or alternative schools, or may be tracking towards life choices beyond a 4-year college education.

We support young people seeing and knowing their strengths and motivations. We help them create positive self-awareness and identity so they can make different choices and create new, healthier behavior patterns.

We believe in helping the entire family learn and grow, not just teens. We offer parent coaching and mentoring so the whole family can heal together.


College Students

College students access our services anywhere, 24/7, through online support and scheduled tele-therapy sessions.

Providing convenient, easy to access support, we meet college students where they are.

Family coaching and mentoring to help parents navigate the transition of their teens to young adulthood is available live or online.

We serve San Francisco Bay Area colleges with our wellness specialists visiting clients at their local campuses, including Stanford, UC-Berkeley, Santa Clara University, University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, Mills College, and others.

High School Students and Their Families

Our in-home services for high school students are provided around the San Francisco Bay Area. Samara team members are located in San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin, and the East Bay.

We serve clients with a range of needs, providing customized support to respond to the unique needs of every client and their family.

Learn more about what we treat.




At Samara, we’re committed to helping families thrive.

We’re selective with regards to the clients we serve, and exclude some teens with health conditions not well suited to our care model.

Exclusionary criteria may include students who are experiencing major, un-medicated mental illness; non-compliance with medications or clinical treatment; significant substance abuse, in need of, or going through detox; significant interaction with juvenile justice system; undiagnosed or diagnosed Conduct Disorder or high levels of aggression and/or violence inside or outside the home; actively suicidal; or psychotic symptoms. Additionally, we may exclude or end services for parents with poor engagement with the parallel process, non-compliance with clinical recommendations for treatment for self or child, failure to hire appropriate clinical support, and non-disclosure of relevant clinical information for self or child.

How Samara Works with Clinicians

For a full description of how we collaborate with clinicians and therapists, visit this page.